AdFocus Awards 2022: has client-agency partnering behaviour changed after Covid?

A highlight of the FM AdFocus Awards each year is the Partnership of the Year Award. As proud sponsors of this award in 2022, the Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) is looking forward to some healthy competition between client-agency partnerships in the marketing communications industry, says Johanna McDowell, CEO of the IAS and Scopen partner.

“Partnerships are not judged on their longevity, but rather on how the relationship between marketer and agency [was] managed over time and what the quality of the relationship is now,” she says. “The AdFocus judges will be looking for great partnerships measured by the work that has come out of the relationship and the results achieved for the brand.”

For a relationship to remain really highly effective, it needs to be viewed like a successful marriage, rather than as a “we’ve been together this long, we may as well stay together” union, she adds.

“It’s about evaluating the relationship regularly in a healthy manner and looking for ways to ignite the enthusiasm that was obviously once shared.”

McDowell says a successful client-agency partnership is a working one in which regular check-ups are undertaken to optimise and strengthen what works. “The evidence that judges will be looking for is the way the relationship functions. How have both parties adapted over the years, and what are they doing now that is novel, invigorating and innovative to keep the connection fresh and inspiring for all involved? Do all participants look forward to the excitement of a new campaign or venture together, or are some gritting their teeth and hanging on to a relationship purely because it’s lasted a long time?”

In sickness and in health

According to McDowell, what has become an important indicator of the quality of a relationship is how client and agency adapted during the pandemic. “Two years ago, judges examined how parties were coping during Covid. Now that we’re through the worst, it may be time to add a component to this year’s entries regarding what happened during that difficult time and how well the relationship has grown through that two-year period.

“What did the agency and the client do to ensure they didn’t just struggle through but forged a deeper bond and looked for new ways to address a huge new issue together? How is the union positioned now, and how well is the brand doing?” she says.

As with any relationship, she says longevity is the by-product of good housekeeping and honesty, particularly if all parties feel the richer, and not the poorer, for the alliance they have built up.

“As sponsors of the award, the IAS looks forward to seeing which teams found opportunity in adversity and strengthened their ties,” McDowell says.

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